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Gov’t Gives 416 Motorbikes to Assembly Members at Bono East Region

Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development gives 416 motorbikes to be distributed to all Assembly members in the 11 Municipal and District Assemblies of the Bono East Region.

The Bono East Regional Minister, Mr Kwesi Adu Gyan who handed over the bikes to the various representatives from the respective Assemblies at a short gathering at Techiman indicated, that the activity forms part of the local government’s commitment towards empowering and equipping the various assembly members as a means of deepening democracy at the grassroots level.


“As you are aware, we have 11 Municipal and Districts in the region and it is one of the responsibilities of government to make sure that the assemblies are equipped especially when it comes to the mobility of the Assemblymen and women. Most of these Assembly members live in the rural areas and they spend a lot of time helping to deliver their mandates and for that, these bikes would help them in delivering these services effectively,” he stated.

However, he urged the beneficiaries to ensure that they acquire the needed riding documentations and work towards instilling discipline in line with maintaining these motorbikes.

“Having been given these bikes alone is not a license that you can ride anyhow. I want them to acquire the necessary legal documents that enables them to ride including license, insurance and I’ll also ask them to maintain discipline especially in its maintenance so that the motorbikes do not go bad” he said.

Municipal Chief Executive for Techiman, Mr John Kofi Donyina expressed his gratitude to the ministry and added that, the Assembly would together with the DVLA hold safety workshops for the beneficiaries to ensure they ride with caution” he said.

“I am very excited this afternoon because previously, these motorbikes are delivered at the latter part of the tenure of these Assembly members but to receive it early this year means, we have it at the right time and I want to thank the sector minister for this move because, it would deepen the local Assembly system.


“We are going to cooperate with the DVLA to organize a workshop for us to learn more about the safety procedures to use these motorbikes to ensure they are used effectively without involving in any accidents” he further noted.

Assembly member for the Kenten Electoral Area, Hon. Issah Adams on behalf of the beneficiaries says the intervention is timely and would help in executing their various duties.

“This is going to help us a lot because looking at where the Assembly members stay and if there is a problem in the village, one has to report to the mother Assembly and if there’s no money or motorbikes, the fellow has to walk for a distance to get to the Assembly and that is troubling” he hammered.

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