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Armed robbers attack mobile money vendors and escape with an unspecified sum of money

On Wednesday, two armed robbers on a motorbike entered the North East Region’s Walewale district. They attacked a mobile money vendor and fled with an undisclosed sum of money.
Witnesses claim that the two attacked the mobile money dealer after he had gone to the bank to withdraw money for transactions while driving an unlicensed motorbike.

“They were firing indiscriminately, so people couldn’t bear the sound of the guns,” a resident claimed. “They almost shot me since I was sitting near his table when they started shooting.


The police in West Mamprusi Municipality were left without a vehicle to handle the issue after two of its patrol cars were destroyed.
Witnesses said that the police arrived at the crime site too late, after the robbers had already left.
The police have said they are investigating the situation.

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